DASH or Dashcoin (DSH) is an anonymous cryptocurrency that, like Bitcoin and most cryptographic currencies, works with a P2P protocol but has much more advanced features.
Unlike Bitcoin, Dash is a completely anonymous currency and its transactions are instantaneous, being one of the fastest in that sense. In addition, the network has a self-sustainable decentralized governance system by blockchain (DGBB) which seeks to solve two cryptocurrency problems; governance and financing. Currently, it is one of the five cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization and with the highest growth expectations for the coming years.
DASH uses, like Bitcoin and almost all cryptocurrencies, a work test system to record transactions in the blockchain ledger. This system is based on the fact that a miner must solve a mathematical problem and once he does, and a consensus is reached with the other miners who approve the resolution, the miner earns the right to encrypt a new block in the chain.
Dash also uses this system but unlike other cryptocurrencies it also has a second level known as a service test that is performed by the Masternodes. What the masternodes do is enhance the network to offer the additional services that differentiate DASH, such as InstanSend and PrivateSend. In short, masternodes are responsible for making transactions faster and more private than in other cryptocurrencies. That is why the distribution of profits by mining is different, giving 45% of the reward to the miner, 45% to the masternode and another 10% that stays with the network for the budget system.
This is the true difference with other cryptocurrencies both in their characteristics and in their operation. Thanks to this, the network solves the problem of governance and double spending.
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